I wanna go to Boca!!!!!!
Aloha and Happy New Year Everybody!
I have to agree that I have spent countless hours retyping the same old things. And even though at the time I am zoning on the cleanse and could write forever,
it does get a little discouraging...
Though, 'I was there' before and understand how it's nice to have the instant gratification of getting an answer on the spot, or just to have the feeling that someone is experiencing the same thing I am at the moment- or just an open ear. Power in numbers,yeah?
Everyone is different and if I've learned anything from my experiences with MCing,
it's that I have learned to depend on myself. That means,for me, researching, backtracking archives and searching for answers.
It can be a scary thing, venturing into the unknown, so support is important. Yet,
eventually(if not from the start) , it is all up to YOU in the long run, and CureZone , along with the rest of the net will give you 90% of the answers.
Most importantly, CureZone has created easy ways to research by
archiving highlights and vital info. I would venture to say that 70% of the folks on the
Master-Cleanse forum have not even taken the survey or have done much research on the subject. It's obvious. I have seen some start and don't even have the book. I think one should do some research-at least have the book. Otherwise , most of the responses are spent going over the same thing, rather than the same energy going toward new areas of knowledge. It's like I tell my son, if I (or the teacher)have to repeat the same thing a thousand times, that's 999 NEW things you are not learning. Time is precious...let's respect it. :)
There are many here that take Master Cleansing very. very seriously,as I do. I have whined and ranted (thanks for listening!)my share and will continue to do so--
this is the place we can get away with it. Yet , let's keep it positive and help each other to achieve our goals.
A Happy and Healthy New Year to All!
you know what I really don't like...those nimrods that put a permanent press setting
on an iron!!!!!! 'Sup with that???? I need answers!!!