'One can quickly assess the relative efficiency of elimination through the skin by looking at his iris (the colored portion of the eye). The skin is represented by the outermost part of the iris. If it is very dark and dense, the condition is called a "scurf rim" in iridology, and it means that the skin is relatively blocked as an organ of elimination. To open it up, skin brushing before a shower and vigorous use of a loofah sponge in the shower are recommended. A good quality vegetable-bristle, skin brush should be purchased from the health food store or pharmacy. One should brush up the front of the body and down the back, over all exposed skin surfaces, until a warm glow is felt. Then one should take a warm shower and rub briskly with a loofah sponge (available in most health food stores) to remove the layers of dead skin loosened by the brushing. (We have found it best to take a hot shower each morning.) '