i just cant decide which cleanse to go with.
ive been doing reading for days and days online after finishing to read 'the cure to all diseases' i got for xmas.
ive decided to use the parasite, liver and kidney cleanses from the book, but i just cant get decided on which
Colon Cleanse to do and im hoping for some help.
both me and my boyfriend will be doing the cleanses, and are both regular so i the main reason for doing the
Colon Cleanse at all is to follow the steps. (parasite, colon, kidney, liver, is that right?) i am in pretty good health but he has had cripling low back pain for a few months, he is in sad shape, im hoping the cleanses will help him.
i cannot go without food for more then a few hours so there is no way i could do the fasting. im also having a hard time spending around 50$ for a cleanse system, specially when u multiple that by 2.
please help and suggestions.