Help Please, tell me what is wrong!
Well, lemme make this SHORT.
From age 5-15, i was very constipated, and i had bad breath. At age 15 i began to take "METAMUCIL" and a "CHOCOLATE CANDY LAXATIVE" as fiber supplements to better my bowel movements. But whenever i began having bowel movements i BEGAN to have FECAL
Body Odor . I also had BREATH that Traveled from where i was to 20-30 feet away.
I know that if i go back to being constipated, i will NOT HAVE FECAL
Body Odor anymore...but it hurts to be consticated, and it is NOT HEALTHY>
So my Question is "What the HECK is wrong with me!?!??!"
Why is it that when i was constipatedi didnt smell, and now that my bowels are OK i HAVE breath and
Body Odor that smell like SMELL LIKE FECES???
Im confused, and i am thinking about going bakc to being constipated. I dont know.
I am 20 years old now and have been this way for 5 years. Andi regret it so badly.
if u have any ideas that might help......OR if u know wyat might be going on with my body.
Thank you, and MERRY CHRISTMAS.....although i will not be having such a merry chirstmas with this smell.....