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Send Private Message To RavenFallenAngel Send Email To RavenFallenAngel INFORMATION about ME: AGE: 20 SEX: Female LOCATION: California OCCUPATION: Student HOBBY(s): Playing guitar, painting, reading, writting, sculting, extercise, and Photography. MUSIC: I love "the white stripes"...but mostly i appreciate and love all types of music. GOALS: I hope to get rid of this odor someday and maybe go to college full-time. Also be a radio host and maybe join a band! I want to travel and learn about new cultures and OH! Take pictures of famous buildings... FOOD: I love italian food, but its bad for my odor... : - ( Heroes: Writers, and philosophers. |
My homepages and my Blogs: http://www.Xanga.com/AngieLOVESmusic OR http://www.MySpace.com/AngieFromCali18 |
My Favorite Blogs my blog...! |
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