Re: More questions for you Ozoneman.
hi folks
Nice little discussion you got going!
Dbb- going back to your question of which ozonator, I still contend the Aquasun model 308 is the best. It's powerful, the output is real, it's variable output, it provides negative ionization and it can be used in the car as well,as the home. It comes with a car adapter and a wall adapter.
Beware of the disinformationists and let your own experience with ozone be the basis for your judgment of it's values. Disinformation on the subject runs thick and deep and is fuelled by vast amounts of money to discredit ozone's effectiveness. Disinformation is taught at the highest levels of academic learning and because the faulty
Science has not been questioned by the sheeple students, we are now experiencing many generations of *experts* who claim they know everything about ozone but in reality know very little about it's properties and the way it interacts with the body. A lot of bad, purposefully disinformational learning has been passed on far too long.