19 y
Re: Beadlegobbler (more quest. please)
Thank you once again.
I finally found a website that shows f/d (short video)
The movement of the neck looked a bit scary for me. That is the movement that was similar to what my massage therapist did (side to side).
My new chiro does not do f/d for fact she never heard of it and said when she took the certification the neck was never mentioned for f/d.
The cox website does have practioners so I can find someone there hopefully.
Today I had the Logan technique, electric stim, f/d for lower back, osseous release(neck) and traction for the neck (her sitting behind me). She even offered to lend me her traction gizmo that you put on the door for home use.
My right arm about an hour later felt like I lost strength (limp)and my grip (esp. 1st three fingers ) feels compromised (weak). My face was also numb (the sides and a bit of my cheeks) for several hours afterwards. I used to feel like this after a hard day at work however I havent for several weeks. Normal? I am feeling better now.
On a side note, I felt really bad today because I went to the insurance doctors (so they can stop paying on the no fault soon) and met 2 people who had injuries worse than mine. I WILL be so grateful when I am completly healed and hopefully much more appreciative of simple things and more tolerant in general.
I hope you have a relaxing and happy holiday! :)