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Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 790,948


Thank you for your reply.

I ALSO have light tingling in my right hand and sometimes both feet and left hand (I also have a herniated disc in lower back) This happeened more frequently after the chiro. I assume its becuase I have nerve impingement as per my MRI.

I am a teacher and will have 12 days off which I need. I am surprised at how I was feeling SO much better before the stretch (But did have CONSTANT tingling) and NOW my neck is stiff and burns and feels creaky and I feel acheness in upper back. I can understand the stretch aggrevating it but this happened 5 days ago.

I will put an ice pack on my neck. Dr. Hardy's curezone forum here recommended alternating hot/cold compresses for 5 minutes on neck to move blood.

It gets really confusing when you here many conflicting views.

My massage therapist also said that basically he can massage , but if I DON'T have muscle strength in my back I WON'T get better because the muscles in the neck are constricitng and I need to alleviate some of the muscle work from my neck.

H e also said I eventually need to stretch the neck muscles as well because there pressing on some things or something (not sure exactly)


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