Re: Evolutionists are jealous of monkeys
You don’t have to trust. That is just the point you can’t seem to get through that thick head of yours. You don’t have to trust evolutionist – the evidence is there for all to see. Their papers are available for you to read, and the protocols they use are available to everyone. Don’t worry you are not being rude, just ignorant. Maybe Science really is Hard! Or at least too hard for You.
Trust, and in my view a slight degree of insanity/stupidity, is to read a book and just because it says it’s the word of good you believe it. Anyone can write a book and claim it to be the word of god, and antiquity does not make the claim any more valid.
The inclusion of god into our beliefs increases the complexity infinitely; it demands first a belief in the supernatural, the most complex artifact ever created – God. It must include miracles, the existence of a soul, heaven, hell, purgatory, human parthenogenesis, transmutation, time travel, immortality, zombification. And those are just the ones that are on the top of my fingers. Now that’s complex.
The rest of your post is so damn stupid it does not bear comment, but I can safely say that you or any creationist is:
A dumb Animal,
a frightened Chordate,
an illiterate Mammal
a superstitious Therian
an ignorant Placentan
a thick headed Primate
a hate filled Hominid
an intractable and emotionally immature Homo
undeserving of the term sapiens.