Evolutionists are jealous of monkeys
I don’t know why anyone would trust anything an atheist/evolutionist says. I don’t say this to be mean or rude, it's just my own personal opinion based on the evidence I see all around me.
The thing is, whenever one takes the truth of God out of the equation, everything gets complicated. And it seems evolutionists THRIVE on complication and contradiction. They live for it. This is their bread and butter when everything else fails.
Take politics. The atheists absolutely have a monopoloy on contradiction. For example…many will say that abortion is probably wrong – especially late term abortion – yet they have no problem legalizing and promoting it. Atheists claim to love America, yet they support flag-burning, trashing our military and taxing small businesses out the wazoo. Liberals like John Kerry claim to be Christian, yet ridicule us "evangelicals", fight with all their might to get God out of the classroom and the 10 Commandments off public property. They claim to want peace in the world, yet they have no problem with murderous tyrants being in power or with socialists regimes invading other countries and taking over...and they have no problem with these same kooks acquiring nuclear weapons. They claim to stand for justice yet they don’t believe a mass murderer should be executed. They claim to be all for capitalism, yet if they were in power they’d tax millionaires at 80%.
And it’s no different with evolution. It’s the same exact group of people pulling the same exact nonsense. And once again, they’ve taken God out of the equation and everything goes haywire. Not a single blasted one of them knows which end is up.
Go ahead! Ask one of them if lifeforms evolve gradually.....you know what you’ll get?.....a big, fat nothing….no comment. They don’t even know how to answer the most basic question about their theory. Half of them, for example, still believe that evolution proceeds mostly by mutation – but then if you ask others, evolution proceeds mostly by recombination. For 100 years they’ve been telling us that variation is random….now they’re saying it’s non-random as well. For decades they’ve told us that evolution is gradual – even though the evidence (the fossil record) tells us otherwise. What kind of nonsense is that? For decades that’ve ridiculed Lamarck, now many are incorporating his ideas. For decades Darwin was hailed as a genius…now his only real contribution – natural selection – is being questioned by many, and outright denied as a creative role by many in the scientific community.
And these guys have no clue when it comes to bones. The infighting amongst evolutionists regarding fossil hominids is absolutely insane. These guys don’t know which end is up. They say we evolved from apes, yet there they have not identified the common ancestor, nor have they found any fossil evidence what-so-ever to link together such absurd hypothesis. And to continue the charade of contradiction, evolutionists love to boast how we all evolved from a one-celled organism, yet then they turn around and tell us that we didn’t evolve from apes. And what’s worse, many have the nerve to call us apes, when all I have to do is look in the mirror and see that that I am not one.
And their argument goes from ridiculous to downright insantiy. They love to build up the monkey by telling us how intelligent they are, yet they ridicule the human race by pointing out our flaws. These guys claim to have morals, yet the wish for nothing more than for all humans to live in trees so we could have sexual relations up in the branches like a wild communities of monkeys. They’d like nothing more than to live in the jungle….but since they cannot do so, they do their best to drag society down to the where it’s as most jungle-like as possible. They thrive on death, confusion, corruption and blatant contradiction. And that’s because they wish to be animals. They wish to not have to answer to the God that created them. They profess to be wise and wish to worship animals just like Romans 1 told us they would. They worship those filthy branch-swingers and wish like anything they could be one….which is why I’ve come to the conclusion that Evolutionists are jealous of monkeys.