You are quoting a son, who probably had an Oedipus complex along with penis
envy of his father. (A common syndrome even today.) Also your
quotation is more than 20 years old and many other skulls and skeletons have been
found supporting the evolution of human reality.
Lucy's total skeleton is about 40% complete. It isn't limited to the
cranium. Also, there have been several significant skulls and skeletons
discovered since 1983, including Lucy's "daughter.". Many, many
more. Science is filling in the blanks faster than six day creationists
can invent lies. Evolution and creation are very compatible and the more
you understand evolution, the more you see and recognize God.
Johanson's discovery of Lucy is significant in our
understanding of human evolution because she is the oldest, most complete
erect-walking human ancestral skeleton found to date (Johanson, Edey 1980). In
addition to having characteristics halfway between ape and hominid, she proves
that bipedalism was prevalent long before enlarged brain size and dispels the
belief that humans became bipedal to accommodate their capacity for tool making
and the need to have their hands free for their tools and the kills they can
make with those tools.
More Lucy's have been found:
A juvenile Australopithecus afarensis
designated DIK-1-1 has been discovered in Ethiopia.
The best-known Australopithecus afarensis
skeleton is A.L. 288-1, popularly called Lucy. Another A. afarensis
skeleton, DIK-1-1, has just been described in the scientific literature. Since
it is a female juvenile of Lucy’s species, it has been called Lucy’s
daughter, despite the fact that Little Lucy supposedly lived 100,000 years
before Lucy. Her official nickname is Selam, or "peace," in Amharic.
We suspect this is in response to the war among evolutionists as to how to
interpret hominid. For convenience, we will refer to DIK-1-1 as “Little
You don’t have to trust. That is just the point you can’t seem to get through that thick head of yours. You don’t have to trust evolutionist – the evidence is there for all to see. Their papers are available for you to read, and the protocols they use are available to everyone. Don’t worry you are not being rude, just ignorant. Maybe Science really is Hard! Or at least too hard for You.
Trust, and in my view a slight degree of insanity/stupidity, is to read a book and just because it says it’s the word of good you believe it. Anyone can write a book and claim it to be the word of god, and antiquity does not make the claim any more valid.
The inclusion of god into our beliefs increases the complexity infinitely; it demands first a belief in the supernatural, the most complex artifact ever created – God. It must include miracles, the existence of a soul, heaven, hell, purgatory, human parthenogenesis, transmutation, time travel, immortality, zombification. And those are just the ones that are on the top of my fingers. Now that’s complex.
The rest of your post is so damn stupid it does not bear comment, but I can safely say that you or any creationist is:
A dumb Animal,
a frightened Chordate,
an illiterate Mammal
a superstitious Therian
an ignorant Placentan
a thick headed Primate
a hate filled Hominid
an intractable and emotionally immature Homo
undeserving of the term sapiens.