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What is the rapture?
"You will not find the word "rapture" in
the Bible, it is a word used to describe a feeling one may have after an event
that is predicted in the Bible. You may doubt the feeling now and you may even
doubt the event that is to happen, it is up to you."
"The Rapture" is a modernist, New Age invention by one man, Darby
in 1830. It is no where in the bible. It was not taught by
Jesus. And the way that it is used by the New Agers who call themselves
Evangelicals, it is not a feeling, it is an event. (Didn't you know
that?) To support it they have created an entire line of fictional hoaxes
titled "Left Behind." Nothing but fiction.
You can have the feeling of rapture right now at this moment in time, by
communicating with God, your own concept of God. You don't have to wait
for a future pie in the sky event to experience it. The kingdom of god is
now. It was here 2,000 years ago, you don't have to "be raptured"
to enjoy it.
"The Rapture" is not biblical. The History Channel just
devoted an hour tp that exact subject, with many theologians (those who actually
study the bible) poking holes in the "theory." In fact, it was
stated in the documentary that the vast majority of theologians don't believe in
"The Rapture."
Come up with a better definition.