Re: How can I make my own zapper ?
I made one abt 10 yrs ago or so...replaced it abt 2 yrs ago with one bought from
IMHO it is the best made on the market. (I have a backgound as an electrician ans in electronics, so somewhat qualified to say.)
RE: "side effects" ...any unexpected effects that I have experienced have been added benefits, not something one would want to avoid.
RE: Saftey: Just be sure to use battery operated device, and get opinion from yr doc if have pacemaker or similar electrical devices implanted in yr person. Possible interference????
I use two cycles of three zaps a day WITH Clark
parasite cleanses, liver cleanse/flush,
kidney cleanse and a few other things, including organic food, non toxcic home, cleaning products, etc. This is a cooperative, not either-or propositon, multi-faceted not linear, approach...IE WHOLISTIC. USE SEVERAL THINGS THAT APPEAL AND SEEM REASONABLE TO YOU, NOT JUST ONE. Am recovering from @) YEARS OF DISABILITY due to MCS with this approach. I'm SOLD!!!
May you choose responsibly and become well!