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Re: Cycle of symptoms anyone else ?-
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Re: Cycle of symptoms anyone else ?-

Hi Michelle
I was a lot worse off before, but since I have been very strict with diet and taking the Diflucan I am slowly getting better. I was doing pretty badly for awhile, though, with tingling all over my body, depression, thyroid issues, extreme fatigue, anxiety, rashes, muscle aches, rosacea, very puffy face, etc. I went through the doctor thing several years ago. They ran every test imaginable for my tingling (thought it was MS) and in the end they said the tingling was "stress." I know what you mean about doctors; I have had bad luck. BTW, I really appreciated your post a few weeks back about advising me to continue taking the Diflucan. I respect your opinion because I know you've really done your homework. I appreciated what you said about AIDS patients getting candida all the time and clearing up with prescription anti-fungals, and pointing out that our case is different because it has been in our intestine for so long. I am so damn easily confused and misled when it comes to candida! I jump around from one remedy to the next, hoping to get better and nothing seems to work. I'm not usually this flighty, honestly. Anyway, I am taking the Diflucan (I ordered a 30 day supply of 200 mg and am only taking one-half per day), being very strict with the diet, having colonics twice a month, doing liver support and probiotics. I have also started oil swishing. (Honestly, it really seems to do something!) I'm also probably going to get my mercury fillings removed (if I test high for heavy metals) and try to chelate them under the supervision of a natural doc. I'll get back to you ASAP with the name or website of the pharmacy I got the Diflucan from. It takes quite awhile to receive it. I also have Lamisil which I plan to take at some point, but I was thinking of trying Nystatin after the 2 months of Diflucan and see what happens. Like I said before, my skin rashes cleared up within 2 weeks of being on Diflucan (rashes that had been there for years and years). Now my face is slowly depuffing and my eyelids are less swollen. My aches and pains are better, and my periods are less painful. Overall, I can say it's working, but I fear what will happen when I stop. (Hence the follow-up with Lamisil and/or Nystatin)
Take care,


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