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Re: my legs tingle
wrayc Views: 7,841
Published: 19 y
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Re: my legs tingle

well, I have to say that this is my most severe concern about any parasite cleanse. Is this "DIE OFF REACTION" good or bad, or it merely contibuting to the perpetuate the life cycle of the parasite life cycle. First of all, all of these parasites have very complex liefe cycles. Killing them is the EASY part ,,,, now what to do to PREVENT the next cycle from perpetuating? So we have killed one mom... but liberated thousands of larvae, basically adding fuel to the fire. You Kill the adults that retain the egss that hatch within hours which by then you have been eating, thus perpetuating thr life cycle. EACh time this occurs the life cycle perpetuates the existance of these life cycles of these orgnisms. Lets consider this ..... these organisms have evolved over BILLIONs OF YEARS.... before humnas. They are the supreme survivors. In order to short circuit this viscious cycle we must completely and effectively STOP at least one stage of this cycle. KILLING them merely exacerbates them. Modern drugs are NOT the panacea but used appropriately may be life saving. Under treating or inappropriate treatment with these drugs is WORSE than doing Nothin, because where you started with hundreds you now have thousands if not more. For instance... using mebendazole once is the typical case.... assuming they are treating you for "pinworms" a pretty innoucous parasite that actually turns out to be strongloides.... NOW WE HAVE created a stronglyoid hyperinfection that is 85% FATAL. the best is the use of albendazole ... fantastic drug, if used in the proper parameters a fantastic drug, but under others, such as facsioliasis can be deadly. This parasite threat is a dangerous game. Do NOT take it litley... especially with experimenting with pharm drugs. Herbs can exacerbate condidtions to managable levels where as pharm may escelate symptoms to deadly consequences. Bottom Line is KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TREATING... because some are infinitely more dangerous that others. Certain pathogens the only alternative is COMPLETE irradication such as with fasciola qnd strongyloides because they do have a propensity to perpetuate and disseminate. Praziquantel .... NOT WORTH the risk ... if its active for F. hepatica ADULTS not juveniles.... so now you have killed the egg laden mamas too release thousands of immature flukes that arent effected by praz. These flukes migrate EVERYWHERE.... organs, muscles, subcutaneous tissue where they absorb YOUR glucose and of course continually lay eggs not to mention secrete very toxic excreta, which ALONE accounts for the death of many patients. This must be a systematic approach... how to eradicate ONE at a time to KNOW precisely what works and what does not. While doing a BROAD spectrum herbal remedy that kills EVERYTHING.... how could we possible guess which are responding and which are not. Best suggestion I can give is it attempt to individualize each treatment to know that it is owrking, otherwise how could you ever know/???? For instance... if its flukes and they are flaring up from treatment you will feel excess pain in the right shouldar gallbaldder area where juvenile flukes thrive .... whereas rounds you may feel more constiption and more burning in the perirectal area due to newly hatching larvae. Come on people, we are all ADULTS here, take a little responsibility and learn how not only to identify the specific symptoms of parasites but also the life cycles involved. YOU alone control your destiny. One thing I can say will only benefit you however; after a specific amountof time after taking the antiparasitic herbs or drugs P U R G E .... to get those dying bugs and their babes OUT of us, thereby reducing the ultimate burden of what you are fighting. Remember every time you eat after is another oppurtunity for the larvae to re-establish them selves (they feed from feces). The best way is to simply purge them to catch them off gaurd not allowing them the oppurtunity to release their eggs, which is why perhaps the Liver Flush is so effective; you are getting rid of some of the bugs with out the side effects. But remember even this has it limits, as contrary to POPULAR belief ... most parasites are content to live in the mucosal layer of the GI tract NOT the lumen. This means as they die there... then the eggs and larvae will hatch from there, making it as easy to leave the GI tract to dessiminate as it is to migrate into the GI tract where they know most certainly death awaits them. The food issue takes a SPLIT second. As soon as the larvae sence imediately the food in the GI tract and are in and out in a matter of SECONDS then dessiminatng throughout the body. My opinion is get the meds in for an optimal amount of time ... then purge and reintrodue the meds to prevent that next gen fro maturing to egg producing adults, otherise you will only be constantly increasing your prarsite burden. All of this is from my experience and info I have gathered, and more importantly MISTAKES I my self have made. The herbs are all good, the drugs, russian roulette, I think MSM is probably the best deal ... at HIGH doses to prevent the parasites to retake hold and is more importantly water soluble which many other drugs/herbs can not claim. The only side effect is diarhhea which is infinitely better than constipation which is death.

best health


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