yes, the dr. COULD be wrong. If you felt different all over with diflucan then that should tell you something. Obviously your issue is systemic. Candida can start in one area and then travel all over the body. Doctors have a way of making us think we are imagiging these symptoms. As far as I am concerned , when doctors can figure out what we have and help us get well, then I will listen to them. At this point I am discouraged by all I have heard and seen and experienced.
Candida originated in the bowel. There is no quesiton about that. If it keeps overgrowing anywhere else in the body, it is because your bowel is full of it. Clean the bowel and eventaully you will rid yourself of it. Antifungal is important, but not the only answer, you must cleanse out the dead stuff and other stuff that is encrusted in your bowel that feeds it.