I also have fungus in my esophagus - my gut is fine now; however, the sinus and eustachian tubes are still infected. I believe I feel better on Diflucan (getting ready to start month 2) because the fungus throws off so many toxins just being there excessively and they affect everything. The diet hasn't done squat for me, and I really don't have reactions or changes depending upon what I eat or do not eat. I tried so many things before getting the prescription drugs and could not make the headway needed to eradicate it (enough to be well). Within a week of the Diflucan, I was 80% better than before. I have been quite ill with this for nearly 7 years (mostly misdiagnosed with other things). I would not recommend anyone play around with this - it is quite dangerous. Had I known sooner how much faster the prescription would work, I'd have jumped on it long ago. As it was, a chiropractor had me on essential oils (very powerful ones I might add and I still use them) but did not emphasize the seriousness of this issue. I had to research and figure it out myself. I have a lot of years of many herbs, supplements, coconut oil, diets, nasal rinses, etc. and nothing impacted this like 28 days of Diflucan did. I also had tremendous "die off" with the OTC stuff but not the Diflucan - hmmmm????? Makes me think that all the "natural" stuff I took merely got the beasties agitated and fighting back brutally.
Anyway,I was told the fungus had become invasive and implanted itself in my throat - very difficult to eradicate - basically need a systemic drug to be in the bloodstream in order to kill it off from that direction. My gut is now clean and no digestive issues at all.