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Re: Juicer??
pepe Views: 1,236
Published: 19 y
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Re: Juicer??

The Acme is a centrifugal type juicer and it's actually the first juicer I owned till it broke and then I got the Champion which I bought used. I find the Acme a little more of a hassle to clean cause you gotta get all that fiber from the basket whereas the Champion separates and shoots out the fiber out one end and the juice at the other.  The other thing is that with the Acme you can only juice as much as your basket can hold in fiber and then you gotta take it apart and empty the basket to continue. This is not much of an issue if you're juicing just for one person.

Somewhere online there is a comparison they did to see which type juicer got the the most juice and had the best nutritional value and the centrifugals types came in last as far as getting the most juice and the nutritional value. That's not to say that they are crap. The are still good juicers. I'm sure the difference is not a very big deal in real world use.
To me the best juicer is the one that you will actually use.



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