Where did my nice post go???
Oh! THERE it is! Technological wonders never cease.
P.S. I discovered a trick of getting bloodflow to my leg injury. Stretch and flex my toes. I figured that the blood had to pass the swelling to get to my toes. It worked.
Also, Greer Childers uses an ancient technique in her suggestions for weight management exercises...
...Exhale gently and fully on the exertion. Two things happen...you automatically fill your entire lung capacity on the next inhale; and, the oxygen you take in automatically flows to the area you just tensed by using it.
Start with teeny stretches and flexes in small muscles, of course. But, you know that.
And about clay, and castor oil, and laughter...even when there is nothing funny going on.
Hands, too, work wonderfully. Simply gather your fingertips together and point them where you want the beams of energy from the tips and palm to focus, and think nice thoughts...even sleep.
We can't help but improve by directing our energies.
Gee, it takes me a while to get down off my soapbox, doesn't it?
Be well, good Hopinso.
With you.