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Things change for you? Oh, I do like that!

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

fledgling Views: 1,427
Published: 19 y
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Things change for you? Oh, I do like that!

To me, that means that your system is at work, fixing stuff, even though you may not yet understand what or why or when, or if ever.

I learned so much about healing from a simple smashed bundle of muscles on my lower inside shin...I tried to 'walk it out', at first. (Go ahead, giggle!)

Then I witnessed, first hand, some of what the body does to protect and heal. It was amazing.

A few years ago I had sat down, hard, on one cheek of my behind. Instantly I learned that we have a reflex that protects, in this case, the spine and heart, etc. - at the lower rib level - where the force of the fall was concentrated, to one side. All the muscles around the upper torso snapped into rigid seizure, to protect the inner organs and bones.

Of course, it knocked the wind out of me. (I wouldn't be surprised that even that was carefully moderated to be just exactly enough, and not too much...and all without my having to 'think' about it.)

In the first split second of that fall, I thought, "This is it." In the second, "Paralysis." Then I thought, "If I could only get a breath!" Time had slowed. I was aware of every step of the accident and every strain and reaction of my body.

I gasped to the young man who had seen me to please-stay-with-me-for-a-minute, not even realizing that I must be breathing somewhat, to even have said it.

I'm not telling you anything new, am I, Hopinso? (Grin!)

You could write a book!

Or, at least, dictate one into a recorder.

Maybe you should. People need to know all the wonderful things a body will do, without thinking, to save itself...and how we help ourselves, simply and easily, as we learn how to listen to our real needs.

Healing isn't something that is done TO us, we participate...even when the insult is long and slow, as in dis-ease. That's why, forever after, we are qualified to help others, in our 'specialty'. We become the truest kind of 'doctors'...the thoroughly experienced.

I remember one young mother of two, she was an ambulance attendant, for her single-mom living.

She took a week off on a regular basis, to visit the childrens' burn ward in a large hospital.

This lady's upper torso, shoulders, neck and lower face had been horribly burned in a stove explosion. Even yet she had to go for operations to restore her skin and muscles.

She was the perfect person to be with and talk to kids who were recovering from the same type of injuries.

She didn't tell everyone about this side of her life. I felt honored that she told me, almost a stranger.

She also told me two other facts...

...That ambulance people have a little phrase they use between themselves, to signal that they need 'time out' at the scene of an accident. Then the individual takes a moment to stand on the other side of an open ambulance door...and throw up. Then they return immediately to comforting their patients and doing what needs to be done.

...She also told me that she was aware of her 'differentness' from others in the community...and her struggles with other peoples' reactions to her. She often considered moving away from our little town, just to be free of the weight of it in her life of caring for her children. She knew all the while, of course, that she would only encounter new problems in any new place.

Can you believe it? Some even resented her need for charity and understanding from time to time! And her working so hard to be whole and productive! She had to find her own jobs...and her own comforts and inspirations.

I also remember reading of a little one in hospital, so sick she shouldn't be able to move. Somehow she rose from her bed and visited other children in her ward, to comfort them.

I don't recall whether she lived or died...but I think it was her spirit that reached out to the others, when her body seemed incapable.

Sylvia Browne, and others, have said that 'on the other side' we are all whole, and thirty years old. Somehow, this comment has stuck with me.

If there really is no time or distance, as Einstien told us, that all exists now, wouldn't it make sense that our 'spirits' (for want of a better word) are whole at this minute? Maybe all that we were as infants, and all that we go to later, are our real selves, today, injuries and illnesses and nasty experiences notwithstanding.

Well, it's nice to imagine so, even just for a moment.

Meanwhile, I think we who have experienced healing ought to tell...just as we do here on CureZone.

Oh yes, beets are the easiest vegetable to cook, I think. We hardly wash ours, just toss them into a pot whole, add enough water, and simmer for about an hour...till a fork slips in easily.

Then we get them into cool water, and squeeze the skins off. They are then ready to eat out of hand (if you don't mind pink fingers) or to serve in any fancy way. (I love to make beet borsch or stew, with anything in it that I darn well feel like.)

The other 'recipe' that saved my bacon, when I hurt my leg, was Green Soup.

Once I had learned to stay abed, often, it was easy to holler to my sweet dh how to make soup. Put on some water; run every kind of green we had through the food processor; toss the mess into the pot; add wholesome broths, if available, and some herbal flavorings (luckily ours contained cayenne); boil a minute, and serve in a cup. (Maybe add a bit of butter, coconut oil, olive oil, Udo's Choice, or whathaveyou, with a pinch of good salt. ...Or kelp.)

That soup, and the tender caring it was served with, was the foundation of my healing. Plus, dh became more of a fine chef.

This post seems rambling, Hopinso, and far from the subject of this forum. But is it?

I want to tell the idea that all our well-being is one...a flow, a stream of energy/vibration that comes from, and nurtures, both within and without.

Even interruptions like injury and illness seem like simply steps to illustrate the powers and capabilities born within, I think.

Smile at my vagueness, my idealism, my 'differentness'...that's exactly what I want you to do. That's the energy and courage that has brought you so far in your adventures...and helped so many all the while.

You know the secret to happiness, contribute to everyones' well-being, and see all the surprising wonderfulness of other lives...and tell.

Off my soapbox now.





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