Your face is one of the first places that you notice weight loss in, and your chest is the next, usually. Many people experience losses of 1-2lbs per day during a water fast, but it varies. If you're Water Fasting don't try to push yourself too hard to make the weight loss go faster, or you may hurt yourself. Only moderate exercise should be done if any (walking, stretching, etc) while water fasting. If you're juice fasting then it's ok to exercise more frequently because you are taking in energy. I would like to join you. I plan to also start tomorrow and to water fast. But, I only plan on going 28 days because Christmas and New Years are at the end of December, and my family and friends celebrate both with social gatherings that would make it hard to fast. If you would like to trade emails, let me know :) Otherwise, I will probably be checking this site often, anyway. It's good motivation to see how other people are doing.