hello everyone, this will be my 10th attempt to do a 40 day fast!! last time i was on day 5 and broke it cause i was tempted so much (My husband was eating meat lovers pizza!!) and after i ate like 4 slices i had a huge guilt, starting tommorow im planning to do a 40 day Water Fast and sticking to it. Now im just wondering will you be able to notice a huge difference after a 40 day of fast? like my face is quiet chubby, i look like a chipmunk...lol so i was wondering will you notice a huge difference with my face..also i have a big belly, so will that go away too? and arms and chest... basically everywhere! so tell me will that go away to, im 5"8 and 180 lbs... im hoping to be around 125-130... how much would you say i could lose? well thanks for your time. GOD bless.