Just wanted to tell my story. 1 1/2 months ago was in a huge amount of pain-upper right quadrant area. Emergency room visit-diagnosed with enlarged gallbladder, possible stones. Radionuclide test showed gallbladder functioning at 24%. No stones showed on sonogram. Changed diet drastically Dr. perscribed actigall (costs $25.00 a week)Horrid side effects, took it for about 3 weeks and stopped. Then researching a flush my nieghbor told me about years ago I found curezone! and did first flush, lots of fatty gobulues and chaff. Another flush a week later yielded about 500 small (pea sized) to larger (lima bean size)stones. Met with top surgeon who was ready to schedule surgery. I told him results of flushes and have hardly any pain since 2nd flush. He thinks I am crazy and thinks it may have been the olive oil that caused the "stones!" I am sooo fed up with AMA drug-puppets!! Just finished a parasite cleanse for the last two weeks and am ready for my next flush! Thank you all for sharing your wisdom and seeking a better way of life and healing. You all have inspired me.