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Re: top surgeon thinks i'm crazy
grzbear Views: 1,417
Published: 19 y
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Re: top surgeon thinks i'm crazy

Most people have a hard time believing that doctors have this arrogance and "god" complex because we are taught to look up to them and they know it. I have seen AND heard this behavior in court rooms before has well, not only from doctors BUT I actually witnessed a judge say that the "I am "God" in this room". The money and power goes to their head as many of them were born with a silver spoon and know little of hardship but the schooling they went through and they DO have all the answers. Just ask them.

And then we wonder WHY we end up so misled.

That said there are very good doctors out there folks, but they are getting harder to find. Even then, treating through conventional means is the order of the day... they WILL however listen to you and work with alternative methods if that is your wish though.

If you want an eye opening experience, sit down with a bunch of nurses having lunch... you will hear all about their doctor's mistakes they made THAT DAY. Yes they make mistakes every day, just like you and I.



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