prob is,i worry bout stupid thngs. like,tnite he came home from walmart and was in his room rest of night. for instance,our bathroom has 2 doors. one to jons room and the other to kitchen. we agreed to keep the one to jon's room locked. That way we dnt walk in on each other. Well,tonight for the first time he used it. he got a shower and used the door from his room to bathroom. so,that made my bowels turn. It was almost like he was avoidin me by goin to bathroom shortcut,which we agreed not to use. I mean,we didnt get in a fight or anythng,so I dont see why. If I would send him a text tomorrow askin if he was mad at me cuz he went to bathroom from his room,he'd probly flip. If I have to live with this every day/week for next year,omg! I still dont know how to go about asking him to hangout with me on my days off. I prefer sending txt's. Guess we'll see next mon or tues. ugh. so,today from 3pm-10pm we were both here. he would play xbox and i'd watch him,or i'd play it while he was on computer. so,we both basically chilled here. I would have liked to go out,but i was scared to ask. another prob we have,he listens to music loud on computer,while im watchin tv. its in same room. i think it annoys us both.
i gtg,he'd kill me if he knew i was on. well,hopefully tomorrow i'll go without sendin him a txt