Thanks again for the help. My free T-4 is 0.7, total T-3 is .85. I don't have any other results. My doc also did a radioactive Iodine reuptake scan to check my thyroid functioning as well. Now I wish I hadn't done that test, but what can I do? Anyway, he said that my body was not "reuptaking" or something the way it was supposed to. That, coupled with my slightly low T-4 and antibodies suggested to him to put me on Armour. I wasn't too afraid of going off the Armour cold turkey because I knew that my hypothyroidism wasn't that bad. I checked into Thyroid Thru-it's so expensive! I was going to quit my job because of stress but now I might have to stick it out and try the Thyroid Thru. It's worth it if the stuff works. By the way, I am currently taking a prescription anti-fungal because the other stuff was not working. I think I inadvertently made my candida resistant to some of those natural antifungals by eating too many carbs and doing other bad stuff while on them. My willpower is not the greatest, but I am doing much better now.
Take care