Re: cholesterol question
Hi Laughingrrl!
Thank you for you post! I am very interested in what you wrote. About 2 weeks ago my husband and I made a joint decision to cut back on the amount of red meat we eat. We've been eating fish mostly since then since he is not a big chicken eater. I could proabably easily go vegan most of the time, but he is not interested in going that far. We have made other healthy changes to the diet, but I still have a sweet tooth that I have to battle. I need to drop some weight and so I'm working on eating more vegetables and a little fruit a day. When I first started this a few weeks ago I was trying to eat a total of 10 fruits and vegetables a day. After doing this for 2-3 days I had my doctors appointment, and my normally very clean tongue was covered with a white film and I was feeling so sluggish I wanted to go to sleep. She probably wondered what I meant when I told her that oil pulling gave me energy...the next time I oil pulled it ALL went away...and of course I've cut back on the fruit quite a bit. I know I need to cleanse. I want to read that book "The Shangri-La Diet," sounds interesting to me!
So...are you saying that - even though VCO is supposedly a saturated fat - that it will not cause you to have cholesterol problems? I know...I must sound terribly confused to all of you who know so much about the oils. I am like a baby learning to walk here. I would like to buy a book on oils if anyone can suggest a good one.
Thank you for your posts - I'm really learning a lot from you - and it may sound funny but I think of you in the mornings when I'm using the VCO for deodorant, and at night when I'm putting it on my face. It is good to put on your face isn't it?...:) thanks...c