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Re: Bush Admits Bombs Were In World Trade Towers
John Cullison Views: 2,195
Published: 19 y
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Re: Bush Admits Bombs Were In World Trade Towers

Number one - Bin Laden has always accepted responsibity for the attacks. He never denied it.

Show me. I have yet to see anywhere in any of the early messages where he accepted responsibility for the attacks. Show me the tape or the transcript, at least, because I can't find it. If you mean to say that "he never denied it" is the same as "he accepted responsibility for it", well, Bush never denied that he knew about it beforehand, either.

Number two and more importantly - the attacks were not that complicated. They were the essence of simplicity.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? You don't. Do you even know what NORAD is, or why it exists, or how it has operated in the past? "Deter. Detect. Defend." So much for their motto!

Airline security was and still is a joke. Anytime the media tests the security now it fails. A sleepwalker can still get stuff through. So getting weapons through was no problem.

Duh. The point isn't security; the point is to get more Americans used to the idea of being treated like cargo.

A few of the terrorists also needed to learn rudimentary flying skills. These were learned from private companies here in the US whose only concern was that they got paid.

So let's see... do I trust you, a relative nobody (not unlike myself), who just happens to buy the official story, or do I trust an actual pilot with years of experience? I quote:

And right after 9/11 when it was unpopular and considered almost treasonous to question the government, Wittenberg became the first commercial airline pilot with experience flying the jets used in 9/11 to publicly denounce the government story.
Although speaking publicly on many occasions about the fictitious government account of 9/11, it wasn’t until Sept. 16, 2004, his controversial remarks aired on Wing TV, sparking a heated debate among pilots and others clinging to the flimsy government account.
Knowing the flight characteristics of the “big birds” like the back of his hand, Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77could have “descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s first floor wall without touching the lawn.”
Wittenberg claimed the high speed maneuver would have surely stalled the jetliner sending it into a nose dive, adding it was “totally impossible for an amateur who couldn’t even fly a Cessna to maneuver the jetliner in such a highly professional manner, something Wittenberg said he couldn’t do with 35 years of commercial jetliner experience.
“For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible – there is not one chance in a thousand,” said Wittenberg, recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727’s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737’s through 767’s it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying.
“I had to be trained to use the new, computerized systems. I just couldn’t jump in and fly one,” he added.
Finding more inconsistencies with the government story about Flight 77, Wittenberg recalled the recent statements made by a flight controller on an ABC 20/20 television program three months ago.
“If you listened to her carefully only an experienced pilot probably would have known that what she was saying was scripted,” said Wittenberg. “Remember the transponder was turned off on Flight 77 and when this occurs, all the particular flight data like air speed and even the plane’s flight identification goes with it.
“All that’s left on the controller’s screen is a green blip, that’s it. But here you have this flight controller on 20/20 saying she was tracking the flight with specific air speed and other coordinates which was totally impossible once the transponder was turned off. How would she even have known the flight number? The whole story is a pack of lies and this is just another example.”

Hmmm... let's see... You, or this very experienced commercial pilot... You, or this very experienced commercial pilot... I'm at a loss. Maybe I should just ignore the guy who knows what he's talking about and believe the guy who doesn't! That would be you! Yay! We can all party now, safe and secure in the knowledge that blackngold assures us, over the claims of a very knowledgeable pilot, that all it takes to fly a Boeing 757 like a pro is "to learn rudimentary flying skills" using a little Cessna.

One of the companies got suspicious and turned in Moussaoui. The rest slipped through. That is your whole plot. What is so hard about it????

That is your whole plot. It's hardly my fault that you are ignorant of the history of your own country and how willing its leaders are to manufacture problems to get us into wars.

Look, go here and try to argue with even a single piece of evidence in the timeline. Read it. Don't just poo-poo it because you think you know better, PROVE THE AUTHOR WRONG. You can't do it. You can sit here and play anti-conspiracist by ignoring it -- but then all you are is ignorant. Congratulations.



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