Number one - Bin Laden has always accepted responsibity for the attacks. He never denied it. Number two and more importantly - the attacks were not that complicated. They were the essence of simplicity. Airline security was and still is a joke. Anytime the media tests the security now it fails. A sleepwalker can still get stuff through. So getting weapons through was no problem. A few of the terrorists also needed to learn rudimentary flying skills. These were learned from private companies here in the US whose only concern was that they got paid. One of the companies got suspicious and turned in Moussaoui. The rest slipped through. That is your whole plot. What is so hard about it???? Getting into this country is a joke. If you look at the handful of elements involved in the attack each one is VERY do-able. We weren't expecting it. A handful of people lower down in the government knew some type of attack was coming, but the way the chain of command is in the government the info went into the garbage bin. I wish people would stop on this Conspiracy stuff. There is nothing to it.