Re: How many of you have had dental cleanup?
I had to go the full route and remove all the crowns, which were all my teeth. It was do this, or never have friendly bacteria in the digestive tract the rest of my life and with each swallow of saliva drink metal ions and allow the metal tattoes to keep growing through my gums and travel through out my body. So when I say the dental profession has murdered more children, more people than men have been murdered in all the wars, I believe it as fact. I believe all the metal pushing dentist need to have their wealth stripped from them and to spend the rest of their lives in federal prisons. "THEY" were told in college that "THEY" would be poisoning the children of this world in an effort to supply the MD with permanent customers. To stay in class, to continue in the profession is no differant than a bank robber who murders people to get what he wants.
Laser dentistry has been around for MANY YEARS and does a fraction of the damage that the drill/poison dentist does and "THEY" seek to SCREW EVERY CUSTOMER to the MAX $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
This is the price to be paid for independant doctors, having government operated doctors could be perfect, "IF" government wanted the best for the people. We know this has never been the case, so government operated medical creates even a worse disaster.
Having a cavity is punishment, period. MOM was ill when she conceived, she created an ill baby, then chose to poison the baby and teach ill habits that lead to even more of an ill body. NOT UNTIL MOM is educated before conceiving her child, can she provide a healthy baby, teach that baby healthy habits and then humans have zero cavities. UNTIL this happens, we are screwed at the dental offices, everything they inject or insert is a toxic poison. Maybe just punishment for our ill habits..
Many Amish allow nature to take its course, when the tooth is ill, it is pulled and in most cases for $15 per tooth.
The UNDERGROUND MARKET of denistry consist of a hand full of dentist who travel in the night to Amish Communities all over America and in dim lit houses these dentist ONLY PULL TEETH. Usually for $15 each and a good meal and over night stay.
Modern man wants to cover up the sins and can't dream of missing teeth for all to see, so this created the dentistry system that allows dentsit to make $1,500 an hour today running 3-4 rooms at one time.
Dentistry is not learning our lesson with GOD, again, we humans believe we can cover our sins and AGAIN we are judged, with even worse health and shortened lifespan.
EDUCATION removes all the sins of the world, but this education was destroyed in the 4th century by the pope. Everyday every human should realize we live in a government created by the pope/church, all 2,000+ churhces teaching a version of the catholic church of the 4th century and all receiving tax breaks from the goverments, who are their masters.
EDUCATION removes ERROR. The governments/churchs thrive on ERROR, they lead the human as far away from GOD as they possible can. They do this via the $$$$$$ system, people will murder one another slowly in exchange for more $$$$$$, money has enslaved all the people, the church has won the battle as long as the human "OBEYS" the mason money system and not GOD.
This is why GOD's way is a narrow path. This path leads to peace and joy 100% of the time. The Mason/Chruch/Govermment way leads to DRUG USE and painful life. This is why some authors have stated the drug companies OWN ALL.
The rich, the poor are all educated to seek DRUGS when in pain. NEVER are they educated to know that the pains they are feeling are because of the error in their education!!! Because such education leads to freedom of CHURCH/GOVERNMENT aka NO DRUGS FOR ME society!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to your question, I have personally seen people have up to 16 mercury fillings removed in one day and they state it is as though a large weight was removed from their body and some even said their lifelong disease left them that day. I have seen an Amish woman with 23 mercury fillings try to have a baby 9 times in her life, all died in the womb. I suggest her dentist MURDERED all 9 babys, because he KNEW the damage he would be doing when he installed the mercury, so the baby's deaths are on his soul and as the BIBLE clearly states, these murders will be justly punished. For now they may live in the prettiest house on the hill and be respected in their churches, but deep dowen in their souls, they are full of fear of their future and many medical people live via ALCOHOL to drown out their fears and many make use of the drugs.
Many dentist are well paid in this lifetime, the mercury and drugs they used to gain $$$ often makes them "MAD". The dentist I had remove my teeth specialized in metal removal from the day he graduated and exposed much of his ill teachings to me. He chose to NOT FOLLOW the normal path and chose to reverse as much of the dental damage that can be done and he made more $$$$$ being an alternative dentist than he probably would if he had did as instructed in college. REGARDLESS, he has to use the drugs, the x-rays, etc. and breathes MORE MERCURY by its removal than the dentist who installed the mercury. As a result he is RICH, childless and in ill health. All his wealth is worthless, he has no child to pass his hard earned money onward to. What a price to pay $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
What is life worth if you have no child to leave anything to? Even worse, how bad life must be, if you are so toxic that you can not even stand children? My dentist now only works on adults, his ilness makes him fear all children. His front door says ADULT DENTISTRY ONLY. The result of being a dentist for 30 years.
The man of no error loves LIFE, LOVES CHILDREN and experiences the LOVE of GOD and has zero fears.
The dental filling is PANDORA'S BOX for ALL HUMANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suggest doing the Amish Way, if your not smart enough to change diet/habit, then PULL the ill tooth and let the world see the rsults.
I wear no false teeth, if you sin, take the punishment and don't cover it up with another sin or you have learned nothing!