Re: How many of you have had dental cleanup?
#52560 asked, How many people on this forum have had their metal fillings taken out and what were the results of doing so, how quickly did you feel better, how did you feel better?
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First, after getting amalgam fillings, my health changed significantly. Among my problems were constant upper respiratory infections and UTI's as well as chemical sensitivities. When the amalgams were removed, I did not need anesthetics. An effect of mercury is its toxicity on the nerve.
Somewhere around 6 - 9 months after the last fillings being removed, I started noticing some improvements. An M.D. who was a clinical ecologist helped me tremendously, especially overcoming the chemical sensitivities and strengthening my immunity. Another problem I felt enveloped in a mental fog; that started to lift, but I know my mental acuity has not fully returned.
How is it anyone, especially a dentist, could say with a straight face mercury in food is harmful to humans, but it's okay to store mercury in the mouth? I've had conversations with a number of dentists and do not accept any of their "rationalizations" defending amalgam feelings. When the amalgam is removed from the tooth, the amalgam is then classified as a biohazardous waste, and federal guidelines mandate its disposal, but not in a red bio container. Check out this CDC site.
Does this response help your survey, #52560?