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A good start actually is...
schlüggell Views: 2,266
Published: 19 y
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A good start actually is...

"The Emperor Wears No Clothes", by Jack Herer.
Its a bit 'over the top' conspiratorially - but it is referenced so you can at least get to some original articles and get the answers you look for.

There is also an old book with a name like "Green Power" concerning the Pennsylvania State government in the early 1800s that is very informative but how people used to think and act according to our environment.

The other option takes time: go to any university that has a forestry and/or chemistry department. Go to the dumpster behind the back door. Virtually every day they throw out perfectly good books concerning this subject, but without an ISBN # it considered obsolete.

There are actually many sub-government agencies actually concerned about our future and world - but if the librarian isn't paid to keep that info on the shelves, well...

Of course any department throws away info, but to wade thru the business department or law is too daunting, we are talking tons of info to wade thru.


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