I'm glad to hear you're not putting all your eggs in one basket. :)
I also decided to seek out the root cause of my illness. Last month I went to a Dr. who specializes in mercury toxicity because I wanted to find out if this was my problem after 4 years of suspecting it. After about 10 minutes he asks me if I'd been tested for Lyme. I hadnt because even though I'd requested it in the past...the Dr.'s blew me off.
He drew blood that same day and sent it to Igenix. I tested positive for Lyme and have had another test to confirm that diagnosis (it was positive). So after 4 years of suffering I now have an answer. I probably went through close to 50 different doctors to finally get the one who was smart enough to recognize the problem.
Also...I'm glad you are awaiting tests from Igenix. Other labs are *highly* unreliable for diagnosing Lyme....they seem to miss most cases.
I too had a long laundry list of symptoms but I hope to recover now that we know the cause. :)
Good Luck