Re: What colon cleanse do I need?
Dear Hopinso,
I am smiling and smiling...I have been putting myself to sleep releasing everything! It's something like 'forgiveness' in that it's a fresh outlook, but without having to go through all the details.
(I firmly believe that we all go to fulfillment and peace, no matter our life experiences or accomplishments...although some may need help.)
I stubbed a baby toe on a piece of metal, so hard that it may have been broken, and it went permanently numb. Well, not really permanently...because in my regular stretching and flexing foot exercises, four or five years later I got feeling back.
As with my leg injury, nerves apparently regrow. So do blood vessels, they say. I read that the body will grow a new blood vessel to replace a blocked one in the area of the heart. I guess they don't advertise THAT!
Takes a while, I think, and it probably needs the person to try using that damaged part, regularly.
Re-taught myself to put on my socks standing in the middle of the room, I did.
A kinesiologist told us that, if danger once comes at us from a particular direction, we may never look in that direction again.
I have a sneaky suspicion that may be true of hundreds, thousands of things. Something scratchy, for example, may cause us to move in a certain way, just as we may avoid pea soup forever, or shake our head in disgust over some long-forgotten slight.
I think, too, that we can train ourselves to see only through certain strengths of eyeglasses; or to not show outward signs of excitement, even when our child hopes to see it.
And, then there is embarrassment...the granddaddy of all inhibitors!
How much joy of life do we lose to fear of being seen as 'different'? What are we 'not allowed'? Who's swaggers do we copy? Do our shoes pinch? And what muscles tense when we go on a rollercoaster?
My feet went out from under me when I was running down a slope. I sat down hard on one cheek of my behind. The force of the fall was concentrated on a bend in my spine, just about at the lower rib level. Did the muscles of my bum contract? No.
Instantly, all the muscles of my ribcage, spine, and probably more, seized up like iron. I lost my breath. In the first split second I thought, "Death." In the next, feeling the spine, "Paralysis," quickly followed by, "Air!"
The body knows its priorities. And it doesn't forget, just in case THAT might happen again...unless we release that readiness, consciously.
The funny thing is that psychiatry thinks we must revisit the trauma; examine it with more mature eyes; in order to release the remembered reactions. And then there are all the emotions that came into play at the moment of the trauma. No wonder the psychiatric 'treatments' can go on forever!
I'm with Doyle Henderson. Instead, go back to BEFORE our vulnerabilities were formed. Revisit the perfect innocence we were born to. The body will whatever we remind it of. (
// )
I even wonder what reminders we pick up from our foods, the walls of our homes, the color of a sunset, our child's smile...and what bodily reactions are triggered by each.
Drat! I just wanted to thank you for your support in this quest of mine. And here I am sounding off about all my theories.
'Scuse me, please, dear Hopinso.
Give me a keyboard and I'll take an hour.