Re: aarp
thats because this is the generation that sold us all down the river, paid no attention to the power structure, made gravy off the inherent wealth of our country and pissed it away on summer homes near the great lakes and giant RVs, gave absolutely no concern whatsoever to what their kids would be left with, treated their bodies nd the earth like there was no tomorrow and made that the standard for their children which is no standard at all, just pure hedonism. all the good ones died in ww2 or korea or were raised by the sob's that were left, or no father at all.
the entire subject makes me screaming mad. my consolation - they will all soon be fertilizer.
my dad would be one of these but he is not - just another victim who has managed to survive and be left alone. as much as that is possible these days. he has a seventh grade education. there are legions of human offal out there ahead of him in education and his $700 a month social security check that need to pay for what they have done, not be rewarded. i see these retired auto workers and union electricians and they are half dead before they even reach 70. they cant even mow their own lawns. my dad mows other peoples lawns to make ends meet, and he is 72.
now i am feeling disgusted. thats it.