When movies first went on videos, in the early 1980's, I envisioned a rental system for the old, old films of my childhood. So I went to a large wholesale distribution house to see what was available.
I was told that the movie industry was targetting the age 17 to 22 market, issuing on video films that would appeal to that age group.
(I happened to know that 10 year-olds were seeing the most outlandish of the lot...Conan the Barbarian, for example.)
Anyway, the old films available were precious few. (Ted Turner has them now.)
I was about 40 years old at the time, and thought there was value in the old films. I also had a retired man for a business counsellor.
I said two words to him that convinced me I was on to something. I said, "Mrs. Miniver."
I swear his jaw dropped onto his chest! His voice lowered in seriousness..."If you could get films like THAT...!"
Then he went on to tell me that he and his wife (in their 70's) went from video store to video store on weekends, looking for films of that era. (It wasn't WWII, per se, that awakened nostalgia in the hearts of seniors, it was what happened on the homefront, and in the hearts of all young people, even those who were children at the time...like me.)
So, the glaring question is...why would the producers of videos, or any other product, ignore their most lucrative market?
The answer, of course, is simple...the people running industries are too young to know what is valuable.
(Just look at the music 'industry', for example.)
If you and I want to be 'in business', particularly from our own homes, all we need to do is figure out what the old-timers long for, and a way of presenting it that older people enjoy.
You are 50, Grz? You are entering the age of opportunity!
Take a look at the ages of many CureZone posters! Observe how seniors are 'marketed to' in this day and age. What do people really want? And, how would they prefer to find it? (And, at what price?)
Just last night I saw some of the conclusions of a recent British study on global warming. The 'economy', as we know it, will change, more dramatically than any other change in history we have ever known.
Our only saving grace, in my opinion, will be trade generated at home, one person at a time.
Home gardening, and sharing, neighbor to neighbor, will supply much of our food.
Cobblers will provide our shoes.
Every industry will reduce to 'simplicity'; what we can make and distribute in our own communities will come into prominence.
And, who knows 'how' better than seniors?
I've looked at the Marketing forum here, and wondered where is the place to discuss better marketing ideas and plans. Where do we say what we prefer in products, distribution ideas, and price?
We are living in the best of times, Grz. What we seniors do now, our choices of lifestyle and direction will determine the world of tomorrow.
My best,