19 y
Re: flush #11 thyroid
This is what I did:
I wrote a lengthy detailed email encompassing all of my health problems and how the occurred and all my medical records lab results etc. to: and rebecca there outlined a protocol with 2 of their tinctures for me, Coptis and Chinese Bitters. She felt I was highly estrogen dominant and this would clear out my liver along with doing a flush every 2 weeks and it has although I've just been taking them since august she recommended to be on them for six months then re evaluate. she's been most helpful answering questions along the way too. I recommend doing this prior to placing an order based on product descriptions alone. I would have ordered 4 when I only really needed 2 for now.
I also take malic acid capsules the week prior.
You can call or email the site. if by email it can take up to a week or more to recieve a reply---FYI
I would also, if i were you get a home urine test and test yourself for heavy metals they are only around $12 and can be purchased at if you have them I took weekly clay baths and daily bio-chelat along with gradually increasing my chlorella on a weekly basis to 20g and stayed on that until the metals were gone which took about 8 mos.
This is what I did for myself in case you want to try it.
I also eat healthy whole foods and sprouted whole grains with an occasional monthly cheat :)
feel free to email me with any questions.