Hi, thanks for the post. I actually have a few things Id like to ask you, and the first that I was wondering if I can post you statement that I am replying to on the web site that I am building. It is what we need to gain attention to this problem and maybe find a solution that works. The website is http://www.exfoliativecheilitis.info
I am currently building it, so it wont be complete for a few months. But it needs to be done. My statement is there. So you will not be the only one, Im looking for about ten well written statements or testomonials that target one area in particular. For example; how it affactes work, friends, yourself, relationships, family, etc... to show that it is in fact debilitating and the psychological aspect is serious (im a recent psych grad so i have to involve this).
I have a few other questions that Id like to communicate thorugh email, can you email me at dfadinc@hotmail.com so I can reply as i dont know if youd post your email here.