Re: Help for my dad
Dsr my dad is 50 and has no clogged arteries and his heart is in good condition, so told by specialist. He only had stones in kidney 2 years ago, but they are out now.
He feels good, he still does normal things in his life. He cant even feel the blood prresure, but when he takes test its there. It jumos up and down in short period. Like he would have 165/93 and then 5 min later it would be 138/82.
Specialist told him that his adrenal gland produces too much of aldesteron hormon which causes high blood pressure. And he was told that he has tumor in cortex, but the tumor that is not spreading. So this tumor in cortex makes unbalanced hormon production.
So far he has tried fasting for 3 day on 3 ocasion and it did help for 2-3 weeks after that. He is trying not to eat salty food and eats a lot of fruit. He visit sauna and spa, that gets his blood pressure down a bit.