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Re: Help for my dad
Leptir Views: 4,116
Published: 19 y
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Re: Help for my dad

My Dads blood pressure is changing every minute. it ranges from 134/84 up to 170/95.

He doesnt have suger, chloesterol, his heart is in good condition and all blood vesles are ok.
He had stones in kidney 2 years ago but they are out now, and he was told by Specialist that he has fat in his liver.

Only on two ocasion he sweat a lot during the night, but genraly he feels ok, he still works, still does normal things, like going to spa and sauna etc.

He was told by the specialst that his adrenal gland produces too much of aldesteron and that it could be tumor in cortex.

That is all information i could get from my dad now, if you have more questions please ask, and i hope this gives you enough info to give me some suggestions on how to help him.

Thank you a lot



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