Re: how to set limits and handling inner fear.
You are so completely and totally RIGHT ON the money. No one could have said this any better, and in such a supportive manner.
In the end, all we have is ourselves. And if we are sharing this with someone, then great, but it's all about yourself.
Why do women endlessly nurture these men? Because that is the way we are...can hardly fight the desire to do this.
The one time I was in this ex husband, who was going to leave me no matter what I did, I started by doing things for myself. I started to revive old female relationships. I took some classes. I started to exercise A LOT. It became all about me, and how I could make myself happy...without him! It became a focus, a mantra.
In the end, he saw my value, but by then, I didn't want anything to do with that big baby.
You are so wise, and so clear. Good for you!! Wonderful post.