I am a 46 yr old woman. I have always done cleanses and been avid about healthy nutrition. About 8 wks ago I noticed a small dark freckle on my arm and applied black salve to it. The freckle reacted immediately with the bloodroot based salve and in a matter of a few days a lump pushed it's way out. It was the size and shape of a large marshmellow connected by white fiberous roots, solid, draining creamy bloody material and itched like crazy. After the roots disolved and it fell out the was an ulcerated area on my arm, another smaller cluster came out from the same spot. I am now completely covered with them; head to foot,front and back. I have lost more than 10 lbs and weigh 110. I have gone twice to Vanderbilts' dermatology center in TN. to be seen by a panel of Drs but they have no idea at all. A biopsey was done but gave no conclusive results. Has anyone seen this? Can you help me?