Eat like an animal
I was a raw foodist for 3 years. I think the only way to be successful is to eat lots of wild greens. Just eating the hybridized and limited selection in supermarkets will not get you there.
Eating unsweet fruits like cucumbers is much better than eating sweet fruits all the time, which is the bad mistake that most raw foodists make. Only problem is that I think apes spend about 16 hours a day foraging. So to get the protein we need we would have to spend close to that much time eating greens.
protein from sprouted nuts and seeds is good, but I think it would be harmful to rely on them alone for protein.
I just felt so nutritionally empty as a raw foodist. Most raw foodists end up spending all their time thinking about and eating food. I think that is a sign of deficiency.
So I think raw food is good but I ruined my digestion on it and am only starting to recover. I think it is important to be scientific and make sure you are getting proper nutrition on the diet.