Eighty million species on earth (about 700,000 of which are animals) thrive on raw food. Only humans apply heat to what they eat. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span of chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related. Domesticated pets also are fed cooked, processed, packaged food that likewise is denatured by heat. As a consequence, they suffer human-like chronic ailments including cancer,
Arthritis and other degenerative diseases.
Burn your finger and skin tissue dies. Overly apply heat to food and nutrients are progressively destroyed. Fresh food prior to wilting or rotting sustains life to a high degree of wellness. Harvested food from field and orchard provides raw materials to replenish your cells and tissues. Overly cooking food destroys live plant and animal tissue whose nutrients no longer bear any relationship to your living body. A diet containing an abundance of raw, unfired food maximizes well being.
The chemical changes that take place to individual nutrients, as excessive heat is applied will now be examined. It is well understood and recognized in scientific literature that heat breaks down vitamins, amino acids and produces undesirable cross-linkages in proteins, particularly in meat. When food is cooked above 117 degrees F for three minutes or longer, the following deleterious changes begin, and progressively cause increased nutritional damage as higher temperatures are applied over prolonged periods of time: ï‚· proteins coagulate, ï‚· high temperatures denature protein molecular structure, leading to deficiency of some essential amino acids, ï‚· carbohydrates caramelize, ï‚· overly heated fats generate numerous carcinogens including acrolein, nitrosamines, hydrocarbons, and benzopyrene (one of the most potent cancer-causing agents known), ï‚· natural fibers break down, cellulose is completely changed from its natural condition: it loses its ability to sweep the alimentary canal clean 30% to 50% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed, 100% of enzymes are damaged, the body’s enzyme potential is depleted which drains energy needed to maintain and repair tissue and organ systems, thereby shortening our life span, pesticides are restructured into even more toxic compounds, ï‚· valuable oxygen is lost, ï‚· free radicals are produced, ï‚· cooked food pathogens enervate the immune system, ï‚· heat degenerates nucleic acids and chlorophyll, ï‚· cooking causes inorganic mineral elements to enter the blood and circulate through the system, which settle in the arteries and veins, causing arteries to lose their pliability, ï‚· the body prematurely ages as this inorganic matter is deposited in various joints or accumulates within internal organs, including the heart valves.
As temperature rises, each of these damaging events reduces the availability of individual nutrients. Modern food processing not only strips away natural anti-cancer agents, but searing heat forms potent cancer-producing chemicals in the process. Alien food substances are created that the body cannot metabolize.
Cooking denatures protein. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, denaturation is a modification of the molecular structure of protein by heat or by an acid, an alkali, or ultraviolet radiation that destroys or diminishes its original properties and biological activity.
Denaturation alters protein and makes it unusable or less usable. According to Britannica, protein molecules are readily altered by heat: ï‚· Unlike simple organic molecules, the physical and chemical properties of protein are markedly altered when the substance is boiled in water. Further: All of the agents able to cause denaturat-ion are able to break the secondary bonds that hold the chains in place. Once these weak bonds are broken, the molecule falls into a disorganized tangle devoid of biological function.
According to Britannica the most significant effect of protein denaturation is the loss of the its biological function. For example, enzymes lose their catalytic powers and hemoglobin loses its capacity to carry oxygen. ï‚· The changes that accom-pany denaturation have been shown to result from destruction of the specific pattern in which the amino acid chains are folded in the native protein.
The Fresh Produce Diet includes protein predominantly in raw form. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts do not require cooking to increase their palatability or digestibility. When proteins are subjected to high heat during cooking, enzyme resistant linkages are formed between the amino acid chains. The body cannot separate these amino acids. What the body cannot use, it must eliminate. Cooked proteins become a source of toxicity: dead organic waste material acted upon and elaborated by bacterial flora.
When wholesome protein foods are eaten raw, the body makes maximum use of all amino acids without the accompanying toxins of cooked food. Some high-protein plant foods such as soybeans and lima beans contain naturally occurring toxins thought to be neutralized by heat. It is best not to eat these at all, since cooking does not totally remove the toxic effect of these foods.
After viewing these forums for quite some time, it appears that most people have minds altered by the establishment. We have arrived at the beliefs that consuming dead animal flesh is healthy. For those who really don't have a clue dead flesh, or animals are, I would suggest that dead animals would include eveything with a face. First of all, if the human body is full of life, and energetic, why would it be feasible to consume anything that's dead, decomposing, and thus devoid of living substances. Life begets life. Therefore, if one consumes a dead negative charged particle in to the body it begins to absorb, or drain the positve energy that surrounds it like a magnet. This theory is supported by the "sleepy", or drained feeling that overwhelms the body after eating animal flesh. The process of cooking food only quickens the decomposing process.
Effect of Temperature on Rate of Destruction of Various Food Components
Component minutes at 250 degrees F Ea(kcal/mol)
Vitamins 100 to 1000 20-30 Quality factors 5 to 500 10-30 (texture, color, flavor) Enzyme inactivation 1 to 10 10-100 Vegetative cell inactivation 0.001 to 0.01 80-200 Spore inactivation 0.1 to 5 50-200 At 121 degrees C (249.8 F) the nutritional components decreased by 90%
At relatively low thermal processing temperatures, the destruction of enzymes is greater than that for microorganisms. The temperature range where the destruction rate of enzymes equals that for microorganisms is generally 270-290 degrees F. The fact that application of thermal energy to foods reduces the nutritive value of some components cannot be contested.
Don’t get bogged down with figuring out yet another diet or baffled over how to cook (or not cook) your veggies or fruits. What’s most important is that you actually eat them. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends 3 to 5 servings of vegetables, and 2 to 4 servings of fruit every day, which is satisfied each meal on The Fresh Produce Diet. This amount is a far cry from the 3.6 servings of fruits and vegetables combined, that Americans are now eating, which includes junk food such as french fries, potato chips, ice berg lettuce and ketchup on a burger.
On raw food: ï‚· energy levels will increase ï‚· less money is spent at the grocery store (processed snacks are alarmingly expensive) ï‚·
Sugar and fat cravings slowly subside since the sweet tooth is satisfied with
Sugar in fruit, and nutrient dense fat is obtained from raw nuts, seeds and avocado ï‚· weight also normalizes: it’s almost impossible to overeat fresh produce‚ plus its colorful, and delicious. No matter how you slice it, making room for raw does only good.
Raw food is also good for plants. When grasses are separately covered with fertilizers that are both raw and cooked, the grass grown with the raw fertilizer grows 400% more tonnage, over that grown with the same amount per acre of cooked food fertilizer.
The World’s Scriptures
According to Dr. Bernarr Zovluck, if you consult ancient scriptures and sacred writings, in Eden people did not eat cooked food with burning fire. Chinese, Egyptian, Indian and Hebrew accounts indicate that people were expelled from Paradise for using fire to cook food. Methuselah because he ate only raw foods, lived to an old age.
The Bhagavad Gita says, Pious men eat what the brilliant forces of nature leave over them after the offering. But those ungodly, cooking good food, sin as they eat They’re speaking of illness caused by fire-cooked food.
In the Essene Gospel of Peace, a third century Aramaic Essene manuscript, Jesus is described as saying, Cook not your food with the fire of death, which is the fire that blazed outside you, that is hotter than your blood. Cook only with the fire of life, that is the natural heat of the day.
Professor Edmund Szekeley wrote concerning the Essene scrolls, Eat nothing, therefore, which a stronger fire than the fire of life has killed. Cook not, lest your bowels become as steaming bogs.
Maximize your well-being and strengthen your immune system by consuming an abundance of unfired raw fresh produce at each meal. Heat destroys nutrients, wholesale. Not only are heated nutrients unavailable to your body, the heated food debris becomes TOXIC which overwhelms your immune system. Stop saturating your body with toxins and undermining your immune system. Avoid an abundance of cooked food and junk food.
If you cook, heat food conservatively. The lower the heat for the shortest duration, the better. Use transitional recipes, proper food combining, and organic food sources to achieve at least an 85% raw food diet.
Healthy living through proper nutrition