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Wow, huge stone release with dissolvers only - no flush
nglassman Views: 3,297
Published: 19 y

Wow, huge stone release with dissolvers only - no flush

I have never enjoyed doing a liver flush. And I usually felt worse and with no improvement in my health. Recently, however, I read She talks about how some people don't need to do a flush. They only need to take dissolving herbs.

That immediately clicked with me. In fact I had tried something like that with malic acid capsules only for a few weeks. With no results. However, she recommends taking at least two different herbs.

So I picked "stone free" by planetary formulas. I have been taking that 2 tablets in the morning and 3 in the evening. I also took the same number of 500 mg malic acid capsules with food morning and evening.

So nothing happened for a week. Then last night I noticed that I was going to the toilet more than usual. And it was burning. About 3 am before bed I realized that my liver was finally bursting. The herbs must have broken down some of the stones. I went to bed and started feeling pressure in my liver area.

I woke up at 6 am with a burning in my liver and my lower back. So I drank some tea. I couldn't fall asleep and realized that toxins were circulating in my body. I also got suddenly hungry. Hungrier than I have been in over 5 years!! Something happened good! hunger is a sign of digestive strength.

So I took about 15 charcoal tablets to absorb the toxins. I also ate more amaranth (a very cleansing grain to eat). I then went to the health food store and bought some Bentonite clay. I realized that I either need to do a colonic or take some serious toxin absorbers.

Anyhow, I generally feel good now. I definitely like the way this worked out. No need to take Epsom Salts or oil. This thing just happened on its own.

Well, feel free to email me.


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