If you can read the book for free, you might as well check it out. Just don't believe everything you read in it. And that really is the problem. Trudeau has no background in health issues or alternative medicine. He is a former used car salesman. I am sure that you saw him on t.v. for years pushing bogus products in those sleazy infomercials. He was banned from producing anymore of those that pushed a product, except for a book, which is protected by free speech laws, and wouldn't you know it, all of a sudden Natural Cures appears. If you were re-modeling your house and went to Home Depot to pick up a "how to" book, would you pick the one written and edited by a carpenter or the one by a former used car salesman?? There are plenty of bogus claims in Natural Cures. Trudeau is not the man I trust to differentiate legitimate alternative medicine from the fringe stuff. Coral calcium as the cancer cure?? Sunscreen causing cancer, not the sun?? There is some good stuff in the book, just make sure you do your homework before you impliment any of it.