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Re: Is Beck magnetic pulse a way to go?
Johny Apple Bomb Views: 7,302
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 748,054

Re: Is Beck magnetic pulse a way to go?

I watched his videos and found out that the soto company is making his products

they had a product 2 in 1 that has colloidal maker and a wrist magnetic pulser

did somebody buy that and is it better thatn other zappers?


I don't know of any Beck equipment as good as Sota. If someone knows of some other company still in business I would like to know as other companies are being harrased by government agencies.

The Beck protocol when done correctly is about the best thing out there. with Rife you have to know exactly what pathogen you have. You also have to be an extreme technician.

With Beck you don't have to know exactly what you have, it works on any known virus, bacteria, fungus and even worms. For way under a $1000 you can have all the equipment to conquer any infectious disease. The blood cleanser is not a zapper though. Zappers work on different principals, like a positive offset voltage for example.


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