What I find to be really annoying...
Is to be asked to donate to
Breast Cancer research or some other similar "cause" while checking out in a department/grocery store. I say "no, thank you", the cashier & the people behind me in line think that I am a heartless, souless b!tch, or at least that's what I THINK that they're thinking. I just don't care to donate to that type of "research".
Now, as far as "sponsorship" of participants in one of these walk/runs...That's a little more difficult. I can take being percieved of as being a heartless b!tch on a relatively anonymous level, but on a personal level? Especially if the one being sponsored has that disease, or has a close connection with someone who does? Sometimes, it is just too difficult(or pointless) to explain my beliefs. I'll admit, I'm guilty of "sponsorship".. :(
The problem is, is that they've got everyone believing that it's all for an an altruistic cause. People...helping people. That's just so beeyootifull it makes me wanna cry!
Brilliant! Edward Bernays would be proud...