Re: waiting the 90 days before trying Humaworm Parasite Cleanse
Thank you so much Humaworm! Your offer to custom mix for resistant types is very helpful. Since I am not 100% sure I have a resistant type, would it make sense to do the basic Humaworm cleanse first, then try the resistant one later if I still have symptoms? Or can you tell by one's history whether they have a resistant type?
Also, do you know which types are the most resistant? I'm guessing tapeworm and ascaris but I don't really know.
I am glad you are on this site. I've been working on this for 3-4 yrs and I have been trying to glean any kernels of knowledge on getting well from parasites. You seem to have a lot of very practical knowledge on this topic and even with the potential for a conflict of interest, from what I've seen on this site, you do a good job of helping others and less of the product promotion.
I would hate to see us lose a resource when there are so few out there. Please keep up the good work and also maintaining the balance as you do.
I'll keep all posted on my progress. I've beat Grave's Disease 5 yrs. ago, I'm going to nail this one too! :)