Re: waiting the 90 days before trying Humaworm Parasite Cleanse
I bought this mustard bath but upon reading the ingredients I don't see why a person couldn't make their own provided they had the ingredients on hand. It's in a container that reminds you of morton's salt container, cardboard, round, blue with a yellow and white label. It's called "Dr Singha's" Mustard bath. I hope you can make it or find it, it works really well, surprisingly, I'm usually skeptical about the bath stuff but this was well worth buying.
Good luck and keep us posted, I would like to know how you are doing. Like yourself I am feeling resistant parasites and going to do another in ninety days that is a bit stronger too and meanwhile plan to do exactly what you are doing.
One thing I wonder about is if the flax is as effective as the psyllium you know? I usually grind flax every morning and put it in my morning fruit drink but recently thought I would give the psyllim another go and got Huma's cleanse. I was fine for the first few doses, yesterday I had my upper GI get all bloated and feeling heavy. Maybe I am just one that cannot take the psyllium. I tried it years ago and it was a fiasco but at the time I did not know what I was dealing with by way of internal scar adhesions.